Field calendars are posted on our website. Please contact the Field Scheduler to request a field for your regular practice times. Each division will be given priority on practice times for the fields that are the appropriate size for the age of their players. Coaches should attempt to resolve scheduling conflicts caused by rain-out games themselves before contacting the Field Manager.
Conflicts with other organizations using our fields can usually be resolved by showing them our field permits. They can be found on the website at the bottom of each field’s calendar.
Ensure you have received confirmation of your request from the Field Scheduler before arriving at the field.
In case of rainouts called by the home team, or game cancellations please contact Concessions and Umpires. Your team will be notified by the Field Manager of any field closures. Field availability may be found in the parks section of our website. Coaches should attempt to resolve scheduling conflicts caused by rain-out games themselves before contacting the Field Manager.